The Check-In: Parent-Teacher Conferences
November 4, 2020
I’ve known Cindy for four years. If you need to speak with someone on how to parent with less stress, she’s the person to talk to. While Cindy specializes in working with families who have children with ADHD, in a world of remote or hybrid learning most families will benefit from her sage wisdom. I was thrilled when she agreed to write for us. As you gear up for parent-teacher conferences (or “speed conferences” as I like to call them), Cindy’s advice will assure you are prepared and make the most of those precious minutes. Guest Blog by Cindy Goldrich Speaking one-on-one with your child’s teacher is incredibly valuable. Whether it’s a regularly set meeting or prompted by concerns from the parent or… Read More
Top 5 Back to Remote School Recommendations
August 18, 2020
by Nancy Weinstein, CEO of Mindprint Learning Author’s Note: After working with parents, teachers, administrators (and my own children!) this Spring and Summer on remote school, I’ve discovered this top 5 list is essential for all students regardless of their Mindprint profile. Keep in mind that remote learning requires an even greater level of parent-teacher partnership. Parents and teachers should communicate regularly to ensure every kid gets what they need. #1: Keep a Daily Schedule Routine is essential during uncertain times. A schedule sets clear expectations of where students should be and what they should be doing. While many students might complain they don’t need schedule, every student (teacher and parent) will benefit. Post the schedule on a wall where it is clearly visible. Best Practice: A schedule includes time for… Read More
Accurate Testing: What Educators Can Learn from Dr. Fauci for Fall 2020
April 13, 2020
When done right, testing is incredibly valuable We’ve all heard more about the value of accurate, reliable testing in the last four weeks than at any point in our collective lifetimes. The crystal clear message from trusted scientists: Testing is essential to evaluate and address current conditions. The only thing worse than not testing is inaccurate testing. Accurate, ongoing testing is essential as circumstances change. The same rules of evidence that apply in medicine apply in educational testing. And in Fall 2020 more than ever, educational testing will be critical to help students and teachers address learning gaps. Regardless of your views about the value of end-of-year high stakes tests, the evidence is clear that formative assessments will be the only path to overcoming the… Read More
Every Child Who Needs a Test Can Get a Test
April 12, 2020
We’ve been flooded with emails about Mindprint over the last few weeks How is this different from academic testing? Is my school doing this or should I be doing this at home? What are the benefits? We greatly appreciate your interest and decided to write a new “Dr. Fauci-inspired” Q & A to answer the most common questions about cognitive testing and provide what we expect is a relatable analogy. How is Cognitive Testing similar to Corona Testing? Think of your current achievement tests (e.g. MAP, STARR, iREADY, PARCC, state assessments) as the swab test. The swab test confirms if you have corona at a single point in time. Similarly, achievement tests confirms what a student knows (or doesn’t) at a moment in time. And just… Read More