If the Kids Are NOT Alright…gratitude journals
January 1, 2022
We know it’s been a long year. Your faculty and staff are exhausted and it’s only November. Everyone feels like they can’t do another thing, yet students need more support now than ever before.
Consider adding gratitude journals to every classroom. Gratitude journals can have universal benefits and won’t create additional work for already exhausted teachers.
- What it is: A personal journal of what you value and appreciate in your life.
- Why do it: Feelings of gratitude are associated with a greater sense of well-being, lower stress, and stronger relationships. What could be more important at this challenging time? Fortunately, gratitude can be cultivated with practice.
- Who should do it: Gratitude journals are effective for all students and all ages, including adults!
- How to do it: Gratitude journals can take on many forms. A notebook, online, or just a blank sheet of paper. Provide students a prompt such as “What are the things in your life for which you are grateful?” Give students the option to write, make a video or draw a picture. You can use the same prompt repeatedly or change the prompt each time.
- When to do it: Changing mindsets takes at least 2-3 weeks of regular practice. This makes the post-Thanksgiving and pre-winter break period a great time to try this activity.
- Alterative/Extension Activities: Have students write letters of gratitude to not only cultivate gratitude but also develop writing skills.
Want to know more? Read the research on Gratitude
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