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Math Difficulties
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Memory Strategies
Math Difficulties
Signs of Math Difficulties
Students are known to self-identify as “good” or “bad” in math as early as 2nd grade! It’s unfortunate because many math difficulties can be overcome when students are given the right supports and encouragement. Common signs of math difficulties:
Lacks age appropriate fluency in math facts
Difficulty getting started independently on problem sets
Understands concepts but struggles with mental math or multi-step problems
“Freezes” on math tests but not in other subjects
Struggles to set up problems neatly, e.g. proper columns, decimals points, etc.
Cannot explain concepts or provide examples of when they might use the math skill in a real world situation
Does well on end of unit tests but “completely forgets” after the test
understand math difficultiesReasons for Math Difficulties
You can trace most math difficulties to one of four cognitive domains. It’s essential to understand which skill(s) are problematic to provide effective supports.
Memory skills are critical given the cumulative subject matter. Even students with the strongest conceptual understanding could struggle with weaker memory.
Spatial skills are key to visualizing problems or setting up work neatly. Spatial perception is one of the most unaddressed skills in most math curriculum.
Reasoning determines how easily students learn numbers and symbols as the language of math and translate that language to solve problems with both words and numbers.
Flexible thinking can affect how quickly students “get stuck” and give up.
understand math challengesMath Strategies
Math strategies should be specific to the student’s age, topic and the underlying reason for the math difficulty. If you are confident in the root cause of a student’s challenge, try these strategies.
Memory, use hands-on reinforcement and interleaved practice
Spatial skills, provide graph paper to keep numbers aligned and draw to scale
Reasoning, provide concrete examples and pictures
Flexible thinking, practice multiple approaches to problem solving
get personalized math recommendationsReading Fluency & Reading Comprehension Difficulties
Understanding Reading Challenges
By 3rd grade students should be “reading to learn” and no longer “learning to read”. It’s important to keep in mind that fluency is different from comprehension and both skills need to improve over time. Here are some signs that your student might be struggling with reading comprehension or reading fluency.
Can’t explain the main idea of what they read
Forgets key details
Re-reads 2 or 3 times to fully understand concepts and details, including fiction
Reads very slowly, often using finger to read or mouthing words
Avoids reading and/or refuses to read aloud
Often reverses letters and numbers after 2nd grade
Understands challenging concepts when they are explained but not when they are read
understand reading challengesReasons for Reading Difficulties
Reading remains the primary way to learn in all subjects, even math and science, so addressing potential reading difficulties early is critical for long-term academic success. In elementary readers, a strength in one might mask problems in another. As students advance into increasingly longer and complex materials, these weaknesses might only begin to show in middle school. As a result, many students’ reading challenges might not become apparent until middle or high school. The most common reasons for reading challenges include:
Insufficient phonics instruction
Executive functions (attention or working memory)
Slower or inefficient processing
Other learning challenges such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, or auditory processing
understand reading challengesReading Strategies
Given the complex inter-dependency of skills that drive reading comprehension and fluency, it is key to understand the root cause of reading difficulties before choosing reading strategies. While parents can provide key support and positive reinforcement, struggling readers will benefit from an experienced teacher to help them use reading strategies effectively.
Self check-ins or providing books of higher interest to ensure engagement.
Create mind movies to help them visualize the storyline and remember key details
Find plenty of evidence-based strategies that can help develop your emerging reader.
get personalized reading strategiesWriting Problems
Signs of Writing Problems
By 7th grade, students should be writing as fluently as they speak. Writing problems can be broadly broken down into writing mechanics (grammar, vocabulary, structure) and content (ideas, flow, and cohesiveness). You also want to consider difficulties with with a student’s ability to write or type efficiently so they don’t resist the physical effort of writing.
identify writing problemsReasons for Writing Problems
Struggling writers often have difficulty in one of the following areas. Identifying which skill(s) are problematic is an essential first step to provide effective supports.
Memory skills are essential for good writing. Students need good working memory to keep track of their ideas while getting them on paper and good long-term memory to build ideas and apply proper grammar rules.
Spatial and visual motor skills will affect how efficiently and neatly students write or type. You’ll want to provide good tools and supports if these skills are interfering with a student’s writing.
Reasoning will support a student’s ability to write logically and use good evidence and facts to support their arguments.
Flexible thinking can affect idea generation and how easily students can write on a variety of different topics and formats.
Executive functions can affects how careful they are with grammar, punctuation and mechanics. Students with weaker executive functions also might struggle to write on topics where they have little interest. Or they might start strong but have difficulty finishing.
understand writing problemsWriting Strategies
As with reading, the best way to improve writing skills is to write more. But students need the right supports to ensure their effective progress.
Memory or Executive Functions, postpone grammar corrections until after the first draft. Have a dictionary or thesaurus readily accessible.
Flexible Thinking, provide help with brainstorming.
Reasoning, provide a structured outline.
Motor skills, use digital tools such as voice recordings and typing help that can make expressing ideas easier.
Effective and efficient writing is essential for all subjects. Writing skills are important for homework, note taking and test taking. Good written communication is one of the most valued skills by employers, so helping a student early on can reap enormous lifelong benefits.
get personalized writing strategiesMemory Strategies
Understanding Memory
Memory can be a bit confusing, because many of us think of ourselves as having a good memory or bad memory. However, memory is not a single skill. Most students have one memory skill that is much stronger than another. Here are common signs of memory difficulties or a student who has high variability in memory skills:
Struggles to remember conversations or instructions
Knows math facts and concepts but struggles with mental math
Remembers the details of what they read but has difficulty remembering math facts, formulas, etc.
Understands what they learn but doesn’t remember when it comes time for homework or a test
Struggles with spelling or vocabulary words despite good comprehension
Often forgets what they just read or can’t remember key details
While it might appear that students are not listening, uninterested or not trying, it could be that they simply cannot remember what they read, saw or heard.
understand your memoryTypes of memory challenges
If your student seems to be struggling, you will want to pinpoint which type of memory is the biggest challenge. Alternatively you’ll want to be sure it’s not another challenge that looks like a memory problem.
Challenges with short-term memory or working memory will cause the most struggles with listening and following directions, mental math, and reading comprehension
Verbal memory will affect you ability to efficiently remember vocabulary, spelling, listening and details of what you read.
Visual memory will affect efficient recall of math facts, formulas, pictures and diagrams.
Attention and other academic difficulties also can look like memory problems
An objective screener or consultation is always the best way to pinpoint the cause so you can provide the right types of supports.
understand memory challengesMemory strategies
Fortunately, even if a student has a weaker memory skill you can use strategies around their stronger skills to help them learn more efficiently. Just be sure you accurately understand their strengths and needs so you are sure to use the strategies that will be most helpful rather than try to use all of them.
Allow students with weaker working memory to use calculators, formulas and other reference materials when solving problems or writing a paper.
Use visual reminders or notes to keep them on track throughout an assignment or multi-step task
Provide pictures and other hands-on reinforcement for students with weaker verbal memory
Teach students with weaker visual memory to verbalize diagrams, charts and images to help their recall
All students will benefit from spacing out their studying and using retrieval practice
Every student benefits from a better understanding of their memory. Memory drives efficiency in school and in life. Better efficiency almost always translates into better grades, more enthusiastic learning, and more time for sleep and extracurriculars.
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Math Difficulties
How Seeing and Using Gestures Make Ideas More Memorable
Mind/Shift explains why multi-modal reinforcement, or gestures in learning, is so effective, along with specific examples of how teachers use gestures in a variety of classroom settings. View Article
Executive Functions
This lengthy research article goes into details on the different sub-categories of executive functions, how they are measured, and how deficits in these skills can affect learning, behavior and life skills. Table 1 provides research ... View Article
The Best Flashcard Apps and Memorization Strategies
This Mindprint blog suggests the best flashcard apps along with the strategies to use them so students memorize quicker. View Article
How long is short-term memory? Shorter than you might think.
A cognitive psychologist provides a clear explanation of the difference between long and short-term memory and why they are both important. View Article
Why Executive Function Is A Vital Stepping-Stone For Kids’ Ability to Learn
Mind/Shift highlights the importance of working memory in efficient learning. While not all students need working memory training, one program has shown positive impacts on reading scores. View Article
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Reading Fluency & Reading Comprehension Difficulties
How Seeing and Using Gestures Make Ideas More Memorable
Mind/Shift explains why multi-modal reinforcement, or gestures in learning, is so effective, along with specific examples of how teachers use gestures in a variety of classroom settings. View Article
Executive Functions
This lengthy research article goes into details on the different sub-categories of executive functions, how they are measured, and how deficits in these skills can affect learning, behavior and life skills. Table 1 provides research ... View Article
The Best Flashcard Apps and Memorization Strategies
This Mindprint blog suggests the best flashcard apps along with the strategies to use them so students memorize quicker. View Article
How long is short-term memory? Shorter than you might think.
A cognitive psychologist provides a clear explanation of the difference between long and short-term memory and why they are both important. View Article
Why Executive Function Is A Vital Stepping-Stone For Kids’ Ability to Learn
Mind/Shift highlights the importance of working memory in efficient learning. While not all students need working memory training, one program has shown positive impacts on reading scores. View Article
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Writing Problems
How Seeing and Using Gestures Make Ideas More Memorable
Mind/Shift explains why multi-modal reinforcement, or gestures in learning, is so effective, along with specific examples of how teachers use gestures in a variety of classroom settings. View Article
Executive Functions
This lengthy research article goes into details on the different sub-categories of executive functions, how they are measured, and how deficits in these skills can affect learning, behavior and life skills. Table 1 provides research ... View Article
The Best Flashcard Apps and Memorization Strategies
This Mindprint blog suggests the best flashcard apps along with the strategies to use them so students memorize quicker. View Article
How long is short-term memory? Shorter than you might think.
A cognitive psychologist provides a clear explanation of the difference between long and short-term memory and why they are both important. View Article
Why Executive Function Is A Vital Stepping-Stone For Kids’ Ability to Learn
Mind/Shift highlights the importance of working memory in efficient learning. While not all students need working memory training, one program has shown positive impacts on reading scores. View Article
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Memory Strategies
How Seeing and Using Gestures Make Ideas More Memorable
Mind/Shift explains why multi-modal reinforcement, or gestures in learning, is so effective, along with specific examples of how teachers use gestures in a variety of classroom settings. View Article
Executive Functions
This lengthy research article goes into details on the different sub-categories of executive functions, how they are measured, and how deficits in these skills can affect learning, behavior and life skills. Table 1 provides research ... View Article
The Best Flashcard Apps and Memorization Strategies
This Mindprint blog suggests the best flashcard apps along with the strategies to use them so students memorize quicker. View Article
How long is short-term memory? Shorter than you might think.
A cognitive psychologist provides a clear explanation of the difference between long and short-term memory and why they are both important. View Article
Why Executive Function Is A Vital Stepping-Stone For Kids’ Ability to Learn
Mind/Shift highlights the importance of working memory in efficient learning. While not all students need working memory training, one program has shown positive impacts on reading scores. View Article
Academic Skills
Under- performers
Executive Functions