Back-to-School Essential Reads
August 16, 2016
Re-engaging after a long summer vacation can be tough. So tough that students often need to spend the first month of school reviewing the last two months of the previous school year. Adults are no different. So, today we share with you the most important things that your summer brain might have missed or forgotten. These reads will get you ready to make this the best school year yet.
A Parent’s Guide to the First Six Weeks A primer for parents to ensure a good transition.
How to Crush School Review of new book for middle and high school students by teacher Oskar Cymermann. Teaches teens to develop study skills for school and life success.
The Forgetting Curve Learning is a different skill from remembering, and good grades require both. An explanation of what parents and students should know to make memorization easier.
Beating Test Anxiety Advice to help your kid perform at his best in those most stressful moments.
Participate in an ADHD Research Study Mindprint is co-sponsoring a unique study for parents who have a child with ADHD/attention/disorganization concerns. Participants must sign up before 8/20/16 and meet study criteria.
How Parents Can Cultivate a Growth Mindset Growth mindset is the rage in schools. Learn more about the important role of parents.
What Teens Need Most This WSJ article explains the teenage brain and sets parents’ expectations for behavior by age.
Observation Checklist Parents know their kids better than anyone. Use this checklist if you think your child might be struggling too much in school to understand if and how you should seek extra support.
Parent-Teacher Conferences Start preparing early to make this precious time productive. If your child receives accommodations, use this IEP guide instead.
Math Word Problem Tip Sheet Print this out and keep it as a handy resource (Best for grades 3 to 8).
Building Skills for the 21st Century Workforce Learn more about the skills the World Economic Forum deems the most important and how parents and teachers can develop these skills in our ISTE blog.
Sports Success This blog explains how to use learning science to support your aspiring young athlete.
Advice for Handling Social-Emotional Issues Childhood expert Dr. Eileen Kennedy-Moore answers parents’ most common behavioral questions.
Social Media is Unavoidable Advice for helping children navigate the online world.
Teen Mobile Safety Tips Advice from four experts, including Mindprint’s CEO.
5 Top Phone Numbers It’s a parent’s job to prepare for the unexpected. Recommendations for phone numbers you’ll want to have handy.
Top Priority: Sleep! This edutopia article provides an excellent summary of why sleep is so important and quick tips for a better night sleep.
Want to read more? Visit our collection of the most valuable educational reads by topic in our Great Articles.
If your child does not yet have a Mindprint, consider it now. Start of school year is optimal: know them when they’re at their very best and be ready to help whenever they need it most.
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